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Rembrandt Fine Art Graphite & Sketching Sets

Lyra’s Rembrandt Graphite & Sketching Sets feature traditional pencils for professional artists. Each range contains a balanced assortment of media with generous 5 mm lead cores. The Graphite & Sketching Sets pencils have high-pigment concentration and break-resistant leads.

Sketching Set of 6 - Ideal for sketching and drawing with high color power and soft imprint that can be easily blurred. Contains carbon 2B, charcoal HB, carbon extra dark 2B, sanguine oil, and white pastel dry.

Sketching Set of 10 - Sketching set with a balance of oil-based and oil-free pencils that provide soft blendable coverage. Contains 6 pencils - carbon 2B, charcoal 2B, sepia oil, sanguine oil, sanguine dry, white pastel dry, carbon extra dark sketching stick 2B, willow charcoal stick, and a kneaded eraser.

Graphite Sketching Set of 11 - The graphite set includes 3 water-soluble graphite pencils that can be used for striking watercolor effects. The set contains 4 art design pencils HB, F, B, and 4B, 3 graphite aquarelle pencils HB, 4B, and 8B; 2 graphite sticks 4B and 6B, a sharpener, and a kneaded eraser.

Charcoal Set of 11 - Contains Fusain charcoal stick, carbon pencils 2B and HB, charcoal pencils 2B, HB, and H; sketching charcoal 2B dry, pastel stick, carbon extra dark oil pencil HB and 2B, blending stick, a sharpener, and a kneaded eraser.

Monochrome Set of 12 - Contains 12 art specials pencils sanguine oil pencil, sanguine dry pencil, sepia light oil pencil, sepia dark dry pencil, white pastel dry pencil, carbon pencils 2B and B, carbon extra dark pencil HB, charcoal pencils HB, and 2B, graphite aquarelle pencils HB and 4B.

Sketching Roll Set of 24 - This fabric drawing set is designed to roll up for convenient on-the-go creation. The set includes 24 assorted pencils white pastel oil pencil, white pastel dry pencil, sanguine dry pencil, sanguine oil pencil, sepia light dry pencil, sepia light oil pencil, sepia dark dry pencil, sepia dark oil pencil, graphite aquarelle pencils 8B, 4B, and HB, carbon pencils 2B, HB, and H, carbon extra dark pencils 2B, HB, and H, charcoal pencils 2B and HB, graphite pencils F, B, 2B, 4B, and 6B. It also includes a removable zippered case for carrying various drawing accessories.

Brown Tones Set of 25 - Contains 9 Pencils: white pastel dry pencil, sanguine dry pencil, sanguine oil pencil, sepia light dry pencil, sepia light oil pencil, sepia dark dry pencil, sepia dark oil pencil, charcoal pencil 2B and H. 12 square pastels: white, yellow ochre light, Indian yellow, raw sienna, golden ochre, Pozzuoli earth, mars red, burnt sienna, raw sienna deep, raw umber, burnt umber, black. A carbon extra dark HB square pastel, charcoal square 2B pastel, a sharpener, and a kneaded eraser.

Grey Tones Set of 25 - Contains 9 Pencils: charcoal pencils 2B, HB, and H, carbon pencils 3B, HB, and H, carbon extra dark pencils 2B, HB, and H; 12 square pastels: neutral grey, white, warm grey 1, warm grey 2, warm grey 3, warm grey 4, cool grey 1, cool grey 2, cool grey 3, cool grey 4, Payne’s Grey, black, carbon extra dark HB square pastel, charcoal square 2B pastel, a sharpener, and a kneaded eraser.

Sketching Set of 35 - contains white pastel oil pencil, sanguine dry pencil, sanguine oil pencil, sepia light dry pencil, sepia light oil pencil, sepia dark dry pencil, sepia dark oil pencil, charcoal pencil 2B, HB, and H, carbon pencil 3B, 2B, B, HB, and H, carbon extra dark pencil 2B, HB, and H, 12 square pastels: white, yellow ochre light, Indian yellow, raw sienna, golden ochre, raw sienna deep, neutral Gray, warm gray 1, cool gray 3, cool gray 4, Payne’s gray, black carbon sketching stick, extra dark 2B oil stick, charcoal pastel 2B stick, blending stick, sharpener, and a kneadable eraser.

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ASN# MFG# UPC# Description
MSRP Your Price
86759 L2051120 4084900105634 monochrome, set of 12 $38.50 Log In
08413 L2051250 4084900215425 brown tones set, set of 25 $62.95 Log In
86760 L2051112 4084900216569 charcoal set, set of 11 $34.65 Log In
86758 L2051111 4084900216590 graphite set, set of 11 $34.65 Log In
08414 L2051251 4084900215449 grey tones set, set of 25 $62.95 Log In
08417 L2054240 4084900215487 sketching roll, set of 24 $70.80 Log In
08410 L2051060 4084900216521 sketching set, set of 6 $17.70 Log In
08411 L2051110 4084900216545 sketching set, set of 10 $34.65 Log In
08415 L2051350 4084900215463 sketching set, set of 35 $90.30 Log In
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