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Cute Plushies & Mochi Dolls
Small enough to be handstitched using very simple techniques, these little dolls make perfect gifts for manga, anime and kawaii fans of all ages. Designing their wild hairdos is easy and fun. Try different faces and hair and clothing combinations to create dolls that resemble your friends-they will love it! And the adventure doesn't stop there--you'll be able to make over 50 mix-and-match outfits and accessories for everything, from everyday clothes to cosplay costumes. Illustrated instructions, patterns and templates take you all the way from start to finish. Whether you're a seasoned sewing enthusiast or a novice just beginning to explore the world of plush toy crafting, let this book be your guide to some seriously creative fun! Author: Eriko Teranishi 112pp., 7.5x10 hardcover ISBN: 9780804857871