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A guide to Drawing Manga Fantasy Furries
Veteran illustrator Ryo Sumiyoshi stretches the boundaries of fantasy human-animal hybrids in his new book--presenting not just the usual jungle beasties but a fascinating array of strange and unusual creatures found nowhere else! Sumiyoshi's extensive sketchbook ideas, drawing tips and full-color examples combine insights on body structures and movement with conceptual sketches and notes linking physical attributes to personality and behavior. The hundreds of drawings in this book show you how to create a rich menagerie of fantasy characters: Anthropomorphic furries based on the classic dog, cat, fox and werewolf-type characters Humans with animal features like a hunter with a bushy tail and the crafty face of a cat Animals with human features, for example a six-legged tiger with a human face Animal-to-animal hybrids including a snake-fox and a griffinesque chimera. Author: Ryo Sumiyoshi 144pp., 85x11 papaerback ISBN: 9784805317341